De Ja Vu -- all over again! The six-year old letter below could have been written yesterday.
Dear Township Resident,
It seems as though each time I drive around the township, there's yet another parking lot or commercial building in place of what was once sombody's home. In the worst case, I discover that a farm in the township has been reduced to a mud sprawl for an office complex or subdivision. Progress is fine, but Green Township is already one of the two most populated townships in the State. If we don't elect some responsible, resident-friendly, proactive conservator-trustees, then perhaps we should come up with another name for the township...something other than "Green".
Our current trustees, led by [former trustee], voted in lock-step on June 25 [2001] to affirm the County's feasibility study for a new bridge [boondoggle] in this portion of the county. What were our trustees thinking? Obviously, they weren't thinking about us, the township residents. But this is just another example of our trustees' continuing hubris and disdain of the electorate--the very people who put them in office.
Did you know that [former trustee], wanted to expend over a million dollars of disbursed township [TIF] tax revenues for the purchase of land for a park. And [former trustee] wanted to expend this amount by a board vote, rather than by referen- dum. Fortunately, a referendum on this matter (Issue 29) was polled and soundly defeated by us voters last November. Our current trustees just aren't performing the job that they elected to do. One of our trustees wasn't even elected. It's time for a change within our township governing body. It's time to elect some new trustees who will represent the township residents I want to be elected as your new trustee, to carry out your voice in the matters of our township. Very Truly Yours, Tom Pfahler The more things change, the more things remain the same. |