
Stop & Think!
Questions you may want to ask yourself...
before you cast your next vote...
- Are you fed up with trustees who are asleep-at-the-wheel?
- Are you fed up with incumbent trustees who don't understand term limits?
- Are you fed up with appointed trustees who are never initially elected?
- Are you fed up with trustees who don't govern fairly?
- Are you fed up with trustees who don't give a damn about residential zoning?
- Are you fed up with trustees who relinquish township zoning authority to the County?
- Are you fed up with trustees who turn a deaf ear to long-time township residents?
- Are you fed up with trustees who refuse to serve the interests of life-time
residents & homeowners?
- Are you fed up with trustees who are the puppets of campaign contributors and party-affiliated croanies?
- Are you fed up with trustees who doom township residents to "development" at all costs--including emminent domain?
- Are you fed up with trustees who fail to govern in the interest of homeowners?
- Are you fed up with trustees who are not accountable?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions...
Then vote for Tom Pfahler on November 3rd.