Disclaimer, Copyright & Privacy Statement
Disclaimer: The verbiage below is a lot of legally mandated boilerplate. The prose is abominable, disjointed, and painful to read. Some topics covered do not even apply to this website as currently revised (09/09). Read it...if you've a mind to do so. Don't say that I didn't warn you. Also, any opinions expressed or endorsements made in this website are mine alone and do not reflect the stated positions of any other person or organization. TCP
Copyright: Material/work posted on the Internet is considered "published" and therefore qualifies for copyright protection. Material/work put on the Internet is not considered public domain merely due to its Internet posting and/or its free usage, i.e. downloading and copying. Site owner permission is required by any and all individuals publishing any materials, including photographs, music, and artwork from this site.
Privacy: Tom Pfahler supports the protection of individual privacy on the Internet and the principles of disclosure and fair information practices. Your online privacy is our priority. A firm commitment to your privacy guided the development of our Internet site. It is very important to the campaign to help you retain privacy while taking advantage of this site.
Policies: - We will protect the confidentiality of any personal information you share with us, unless we are required to report it by election laws.
- We will not monitor individual traffic patterns on our site ÷ only information on aggregate behavior will be collected.
- We will share your personal information with others only if you grant permission; volunteers are notified that their involvement automatically gives such permission.
- You may change the status of whether or not you wish to receive campaign communications at anytime.
- We will continue to evaluate our efforts to protect your information and will update our privacy policy whenever necessary.
Use of Cookies Cookies are bits of information that are stored on your computer when you visit a web site. Our use of temporary cookies greatly improves the load time of the site while still protecting your privacy.
Volunteering Online When you volunteer online, we gather the following information: name, address, phone, e-mail address, and how you want to assist the campaign. We use this information to contact you regarding your offer to volunteer. Also, we may use that information to provide you with updates or other material about opportunities concerning the campaign that we believe may be of interest to you. The campaign may also share this information to help elect Tom. By providing said information you are agreeing to allow the campaign to share it in this limited manner. You may change this information at any time and as often as necessary. You can remove your information from our list at any time by contacting the campaign at one of the addresses listed below.
Internet Protocol Reporting We use your IP (Internet Protocol) address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website quality. We do not use IP addresses to personally identify users. The campaign does use a log file of IP addresses to determine which areas of our site visitors like best based on the volume of traffic and on aggregate geographic data. This informa- tion is used to better prepare future site content based on the interests of users. The campaign does not track the usage patterns of individual users at any time.
Other Web Sites The campaign is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other web sites.
Children's Guidelines This website has striven to meet the general industry guidelines that promote fair information practices and protect children. We do not encourage children -- by the prospect of a special game, prize or other activity -- to divulge any information. We do not knowingly engage in the collection of contact information from children. The campaign encourages parents to actively monitor the Internet experience of their offspring..
We also give you the option of changing or modifying any information that you have previously provided to us. To do so, you can send an e-mail to tom@tompfahler.com, or contact our mailing address. (See below.)
Contacting Our Web Site If you have any questions about our privacy statement, the practices of our website, or your dealings with our website, you can obtain contact information in the Contacts/Links section of our website.