
Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler
After a hard day of politikin' down in DC, it's back to the pied-a-terre up Maryland way for some sour mash on ice and filets on the grill.
God Bless America! Last call for alcohol!
Can't Be Bossed, Bought, or Bribed
I don't accept campaign contributions. I don't seek party endorsements.
I don't belong to any PACs (political action committees).
Vote for independence and integrity! Vote for Tom Pfahler!
Causal Connection?
Odds Are...It Is!
I like my neighborhood; I grew up here. Most people with whom I speak
within the township are happy to live in their respective neighborhoods, as well. However, an expressed concern
by many township residents always boils down to worries regarding neighborhood encroachment by ever-burgeoning
commercialization...with the enevitable increase in traffic and noise.
Without going into the specific inadequacies of the current administration (which
remains basically unchanged year-after-year) suffice it to say that an injection of some fresh blood is badly needed
for our township body politic.
In the past, I've said farewell to many bright, civically-minded individuals and families within
the township, who--for one reason or another--were fed up with the aggressive "land use" policies of our township
trustees. They chose to move out of our township rather than face the intolerable consequences (e.g. 80-foot walls of mud)
created by local government aggrandizement of their formerly pristine and peaceful neighborhoods. In one instance,
a life-long township resident-family was threatened by the "administration" with eminent domain in the taking of
the family's property!
If you want a trustee who will fight to keep your neighborhood quiet and safe, then
vote for me when you receive your ballot.
Your Tax Dollars To Pay for Legacy Place
Hate To Say That I Told You So...But I Told You So
From 2008--
Trustees Tony, Terry, and ousted trustee Chuck have
sold us down the creek...with the help of their equally feckless
"Publican" croanies, Reps. Meckleberg & Bill Sitz. House Bill 562 was
signed into law on June 27th prior to our pork-laden representatives'
summer recess. Unfortunately, "Dem" Governor Ted Strickland failed to
line-item veto the $500,000 earmark for Legacy Place!
Remember when the township trustees endorsed Issue 56
back in 2006 on the assumption that Legacy Place would not cost us tax
payers? Well, they were wrong...again! Legacy Place will be costing
Ohio tax payers for a longtime to come: a multi-year price tag of $2.5 million!
And the up- shot of this new tax
burden is that our trustees are taking public monies to finance a purely private
enterprise aka the Silverman Shopping Suprise.
If you voted yes on Issue 56 back in 2006..."you earned it"!
In Memoriam
William F. Buckley
1925 - 2008
Attention Homeowners!
"Developers" Continue to Carve-Up Our Neighborhoods
From 2007--
Not just satisfied with selling homes, realtor-developers in the township are actively engaged in re-zoning our neighborhoods.
And although this practice is nothing new, what's disconerting is the fact that our township is set up to
promote this type of "planned" re-zoning. Speaking of zoning, our township has no zoning powers!
What's more, the township doesn't even follow its own land use plan.
So, if you're asking yourself, "What are our trustees doing?" I can tell you: They're governing badly.
It's time for some good governance. That's why I'm running for township trustee.
I ask that you vote for me, Tom Pfahler.
From 2006--
I'll be brief: Legacy Place is a very, very, bad idea.
What's more, a great many people--about 2,000 at last count--have
signed petitions voicing their displeasure with the Green Township
Trustees for the latters' unconscionable free-wave given to the developer.
That's a decent percentage of the Township telling its elected officials that they
do not want yet another shopping center!
It's not enough to tell you that this developer can't even name, much
less guarantee, potential merchandising tenants. It's not enough to tell
you that the land proposed for development is 60-plus acres of some of the
last farmland in Green Township. And it's not enough to
tell you that Green Township Taxpayers will be funding Legacy Place with
their TIF tax monies...in effect publicly subsidizing a purely private enterprise.
But hopefully, it will be enough to tell you that Legacy Place is
a very, very, bad idea.
If you want more information, then please go to the sidebar and click on
"The Last Hurrah!". Also, check out: www.LegacyPlaceMall.com.
Finally, keep an eye out for the No Legacy Place signs throughout
the township. If you'd like one of these signs in your yard, then please
contact me through my POB--click on "Contacts/Links" at the bottom of this page.