Tom Pfahler  --  The Website

Tom Pfahler for Trustee

Candidate's Creed 
The Last Hurrah! 
News and Info 
"De Ja Vu" 
Fed Up? 

Photo Page

   CCD Images

  • These images are some of my favorites, and encompass                 the period of time from Autumn 2001 into the present.

Mom - Candy Shoppe      Rainy Day B-Moe

Tom: 2001 Version      Celestial Cactus

Venus-Jupiter-Moon Crescent      Autumn Maple 2002

Copse of Trees      Rosey-Fingered Dawn

Autumn Lane 2003      Jupiter Tree - January 2003

Anderson Ferry - July 2004      2006 Mid-January

Fourth of July 2006      July 4th, 2006

I need YOUR vote!      Ole!

Ahi Muere!

  • Copyright TCP 2007